Annette Tranter

 Haven, a place to nurture.”

My life narrative has kept me always moving in constant motion. My haven over these years has been pottery and ceramics. Working with clay, water and fire has been a place I nurture my creativity and inner being. Juggling motherhood and my art practise I allow myself growth with each art piece I create. 

Using high fired stoneware and porcelain clays my sculptures and vessels in this exhibition provide a wonderful opportunity to rejoice in my personal Havens.

A beach: Where the ocean meets the land is my favourite haven:

The rainforest: Where a piece of wilderness is undisturbed and the natural forest is an encyclopedia for all to read, is another special haven for me:

 My garden: Where I can be mother nature’s helper. To plant a garden nourishes me when I am anxious. My garden, my personal haven: 

If you are interested in being featured as our Artist of the Month please contact-

Get In Touch

28A Grove Street Cairns QLD 4870
PO Box 1470 Cairns QLD 4870
